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Working with intentions helps us to set the framework on how we choose to walk forward in the present moment. Different from a goal; goals are external and have an end date. Intentions are about your relationship with Self, independent of an accomplishment or destination. Setting intentions and living within them takes practice. 
Being present with all the ebbs and flows of life without checking out, judging yourself, or slipping into autopilot takes focus and commitment. As well as an understanding that moments, feeling, thoughts and emotions don’t have to overwhelm you and by no means define you.

Bare Neck


Shadow Profile Portrait


You are at the center of our working relationship, I am there to guide you towards new levels of awareness, assisting you in gaining clarity on the root of your ‘why’. Ultimately amplifying the power you have to deepen your connection to Self, stop "should-ing" on yourself and begin to live in the highest version of Self.

Within this Coaching Program,

I provide a solid 6 point process

that puts you at the center of your learning, empowering

you to not only define what your intentions

are but to also take the next steps toward living firmly within them.


Whether you join me for one session or the entire course, I look forward to assisting you in gaining clarity around your intentions and uncovering your power!



& Mindfulness

The practice of being present is truly the gift that keeps giving. Once you learn to connect and ground within Self, you begin to trust yourself and release self-judgment in the process.

Contemplative Questions

It may sound flighty however, ultimately you are the one that has the answers. Sometimes you just need to be asked the right questions to uncover your truth.


 & Affirmation

Our words hold so much power. Mantras and Affirmations are a helpful and effective way to retrain the mind and increase awareness in connection to our intentions.

Prompted Journaling

Our words hold so much power. Mantras and Affirmations are a helpful and effective way to retrain the mind and increase awareness in connection to our intentions.


Backed by science, utilized by world-class athletes, the power of visualization is no secrete. But, visualization is more than just sitting back and daydreaming, our mental imagery makes a huge impact on the action steps we take. The more vivid our visualizations feel the more power we have to step out of cycles of fear and into our power.


 As one of my clients has said and I will never forget it, "Gratitude is my partner in life" - It's a relationship that grows and continues to nurture us as long as we do the same. Checking our privilege and deeply grounding in gratitude is an imperative step in connecting with the truth of our intentions. No matter how great or small, being thankful for our current happenings helps us to open up and create space for a wholesomer existence more overall contentment and confidence in the choices we make. 

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